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Ligha A. E
Department of Anatomy, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island and Department of Radiology, Texila American University, Guyana.
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Anatomical variations of a1 and a2 segments of anterior cerebral artery
Vol 2 No 2 (2016): Volume 2, Number 2
Submitted: Jun 30, 2019
Published: Oct 6, 2016
Imaging of the cerebral arterial circulation is key in neurological diseases and knowledge of anatomical variants is very important in both radiologic interpretation and interventional procedures. We present a case of A1 segment hypoplasia and azygos A2 anterior cerebral artery anomalies with the aim of discussing the normal anatomy, embryological perspectives and the most common variants of anterior cerebral artery.
KEY WORDS: Anterior cerebral artery; azygos; hypoplasia,