Radio-Anatomical Study of Bohler’s (Calcaneal) Angle of Southern Nigerians
Introduction: Bohler’s angle (BA) is the angle between two lines tangent to the calcaneus on the lateral radiograph of an ankle. These lines are drawn tangent to the anterior and posterior aspects of the superior calcaneus.
Aim: To establish a base line reference data of BA required when surgical realignment of the ankle or radiological diagnosis of ankle mal alignment is required for the subject population establishing possible difference of BA among Southern Nigerian population.
Method: A total of 140 normal lateral plain radiographs of the foot and ankles, comprising of 57 male and 83 females between the ages of 10 and 60 years of age were randomly selected to establish normal BA in the study population using standard methods.
Results: The mean BA reported for this study was 36.480± 4.950 with a range of 25-360and a direct proportional relationship between BA and age of the subjects. Female subjects had a mean BA of 36.386.02 while their male counterparts had a BA of 36.638.42.
Discussion: There was no significant gender difference and bilateral asymmetry in reported BA at P>0.05. The range of variation in calcaneal angle have never been reported to exceed 150, while the lowest and highest reported BA has been 250 and 400 respectively, this was similar to finding among population of close similarity. Conclusion: Borhler’s angle of Southern Nigerians do not have a significant difference from those of other Nigerian subjects.
Keywords; Vascular steatosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,