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© C Ogwu, 2024
C Ogwu
Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology, Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro
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Determination of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Content of the Wetlands in Utagba-Ogbe Oil and Gas Bearing Community Delta Nigeria
Vol 10 No 2 (2024): Volume 10 Number 2
Submitted: Aug 7, 2024
Published: Aug 10, 2024
Oil exploitation most often than none comes with environmental degradation issues with concomitanteffects on human health. This study therefore investigated the PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) content in wetlands in Utagba-Ogbe an oil bearing community to establish the suitability of capture and culture fish for human consumption and for animal feeds.
Materials and Methods:
Four research questions were answered and a hypothesis tested. In achieving these, the wetlands in Utagba Ogbe were mapped out into component quarters they are found. Grab sampling technique was adopted and the samples collected were bulked, composite drawn and fixed with HNO4 and stored in ice cooled boxes for analysis. The analytical method adopted was EU 1881/2014for PAHs in wetland and the instrument of determination was Agilent GC/MS 7000 Triple Quadrupole.
The results obtained were; pyrene 1.03±0.1 μg/l, chrysene, 1.02±0.1 μg/l, BaP, 1.04±0.11 μg/l, BaA, 1.05±0.10 μg/l and BbF, 1.04 ± 0.11 μg/l. The mean results of the parameters investigated were subjected to test of significance with ANOVA using SPSS model 29 (IBM) and the P value was 0.43 thus rejecting H0.
The study concludes that the wetland in Utagba-Ogbe are polluted with PAHs above EU 1881/2014 Maximum Permissible Concentration thus making the produce from the wetlands unfit for both human and animal consumption. They are also not suitable for export. The study recommended that the oil companies operating in Utagba-Ogbe should be mandated to adopt the world best practices in their operations, the monitoring agencies enjoined to carry out their duties expeditiously and the impacted wetlands should be remediated.
Keywords: wetlands, oil extraction, PAHs contamination, human health, remediation